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Transitioning to Eating Real Food

There is a scary epidemic happening in the world right now where obesity, diabetes, anxiety and depression, cancers, autoimmune conditions are at a scary all time high. I haven't met a person who hasn't been affected by any one of these things either personally or it affecting someone close to them. It has been proven over and over again that eating a real, whole food diet can in fact significantly improve your health. I have experienced this personally and have seen it help others over and over again. I wouldn't have chosen the career path I have if I didn't know it could help improve peoples lives. But it can be scary to change our diet from everything we have known as food and that has been instilled into us as young children. It's hard to break that long term habit but I'll tell you that it is very possible!

First, lets clarify. What is REAL food?

Real food is things like fruits and vegetables. Good quality meat, eggs, dairy instead of industrialized or highly processed. Raw nuts, raw seeds. High quality good fats like coconut oil, avocado oil, extra virgin olive oil (the real stuff, not the fake stuff), grassfed butter, ghee instead of margarine, vegetable oils, etc. Grains in their whole form (sprouted even better!) instead of refined, bleached grains stripped of all their nutrients. Wild seafood instead of farmed. Natural sweeteners such as raw honey, maple syrup, blackstrap molasses, coconut sugar, etc. instead of white refined sugars. Dried fruits, smoothies, granola, stove top popcorn, etc. for snacks instead of candy bars, chips and pop. Water instead of soda pop or concentrated juices. Basically nothing in a box, can, bag, bottle, jar or package with more than 5 REAL food ingredients that you can read and understand.

Tips to Transition:

1. What is your motivation? Figure out your why. Why do you want to change your diet? Is it to improve your current health status? Sick all the time? Balance hormones? Planning a pregnancy in the future? Had a baby who will start eating food soon? Weight loss? Weight gain? Write it down, Journal it. Keep it close, you will need it over and over again.

2. Start with baby steps! This transition isn't going to happen over night. It isn't realistic to think it will happen overnight. Transition slowly. Replace one product at a time. One recipe at a time. Maybe start with eliminating artificial food dyes, artificial sweeteners, refined sugar, soda pop, TV dinners, fast food, etc.

3. Instead of buying that frozen pizza, frozen microwave dinner, fast food/take out, box of mac and cheese or hamburger helper, Make it homemade! Search for "Clean eating _______" in google or pinterest and you're sure to find a healthier, tastier and likely cheaper, version of whatever you want. This has helped me a million times over since transitioning to a real food lifestyle myself.

4. Pack your lunches instead of eating out. Get a thermos to keep things hot. If you do eat out, make a plan. You can still eat out and eat healthy!

5. Make fruits and vegetables a part of every meal and snack. (And join my Veggie Challenge on FB 😉:

6. Start your transition with your snacks each day, I find snacks the easiest to transition, then one meal per day, two meals and finally all your meals!

7. When you lose motivation, refer back to #1!

8. Drink lemon water or even transition to unflavoured sparkling water that you flavour yourself with fruits or veggies instead of pop or juice.... or make homemade juice.

9. You need to deeply understand this: It is NOT an all or nothing deal. Small changes eventually lead to big changes. Every change counts! Celebrate that. Keep in mind too that not every day is going to be a good day. That is ok! Don't have any guilt about that. Own that, let it go, get back on track at the next meal or the next day. DONE!

10. Don't deprive yourself and don't look at any food as "forbidden". Just try to find a way to make it more nutritious! Treats can still be delicious and nutritious without depriving yourself.

11. Set yourself up for success: Look for recipes, make a meal plan, meal prep, chop veggies, prep fruit, cook rice or lentils or meat in advance and have it ready for quick meals!

12. Educate yourself: why are certain things bad for us? Additives, preservatives, fats, MSG, artificial sweeteners, fast foods, etc. Watch documentaries, read books, follow different blogs, websites, articles, etc.

13. When you lose motivation, refer back to #1!

14. You can't eat it, if you don't buy it!

15. Stock your house well with whole foods. Prepare with lots of snacks, raw nuts, seeds, healthier treats, pre-cut vegetables and fruits.

16. Brush off the negative talk. You need to know this and don't take it personally whether its negative self talk or negative friends/family. You will get negative comments, you may even get teased for choosing real food over junk food (trust me, it happens!). That's ok! Refer back to #1 and stay strong.

17. Drink your water, every single day. 2 Liters at least!

18. Again, when you lose motivation, refer back to #1! Note: Yes, I am fully aware that this has been repeated multiple times. I'm reminding you because it will happen over and over and over and over again.

19. Surround yourself with like-minded people who eat and live the lifestyle you wish to live too. Have your facebook wall, instragram, pinterest and whatever else you use daily covered in positive mindset and healthy food ideas that won't have you resort back to your old lifestyle. I wouldn't have gotten where I am today if I had not done this! (Of course again, you will have bad days (or weeks) and ups and downs but you can easily come back out of that rut.)

20. Be realistic. Cooking meals every day whether you're a single working person or stay at home or a working/student Mom or Dad of a child(ren) can be exhausting. This is why it will be important to take time to meal prep, even an hour once a week you can accomplish a lot! Or when you do cook a meal, cook extras not only for lunch leftovers but extras for the freezer for "fast food". Prepare those grains, lentils, beans, meat, veggies in advance so they are ready. If it is in your budget, make it easier on yourself and grab a ready to go free run rotisserie chicken from Sobey's, pre-made salads (throw together a quick dressing for it), pre-cut veggies to roast, etc. There are weeks I will base my week off of freezer meals from past meal prepping and these pre-made things at the grocery store to give myself a break and that's totally ok! I'm still eating and providing healthy foods for my family.

21. Ready, Set, GO! To get you started, search Pinterest for clean eating tacos, whole grain pita pizza, nachos, chili, spaghetti sauce, lentils or beans, stirfry, meal prepping, brownies, ice cream, cookies, etc.etc.etc! It doesn't end. Everything you desire, is there.

If you have already transitioned to a real food lifestyle, what transition tips and tricks would you add to this? What ones work for you or what ones didn't work for you?

Do you still need help or have questions? Feel free to reach out to me!


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